Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 6

My day in great detail!

This is for yesterday, my birthday!!
I woke up to my handsome son snuggling on me and wanting to play. When Daniel woke up he asked me if I wanted him to make me breakfast; he knows that's the only way to make me get out of bed right that very second :)

We had eggs and waffles and it was delicious.
I sat on the couch or the floor most of the morning playing with Carter and watching Daniel play Gran Turismo 5.
Carter and I took a much needed nap that lasted twice as long as I expected it to!

I made shredded bbq beef sandwiches for lunch then we all got around to go a friends' house for the Super Bowl!
When we got home I put Carter to bed gratefully and climbed into bed myself. I was asleep before my head hit the pillow I'm sure!

Also I had my very first "tini" drink. A Pinktini...whatever that is lol. It was AMAZING! OH and chocolate cupcakes.


My birthday was yesterday!! Wooohooo! I did nothing special at all and I am totally ok with that.
I sat around the house, took a nice nap, then "watched" the super bowl. I had an awesome time with awesome people though and wouldn't have wanted anything different...well except for spending the day at home with family and other friends but hey that's life. And I really did have a great time!

Any way.. that's why I wasn't posting anything yesterday so I'm a day behind on my 'Details' post but I'll make it up. Eventually lol.

I have to take Carter to get his 6 month shots today :(
He is just so happy, even with the two teeth that are threatening to pop through any minute now, I really don't want to do it. But it's a week late thanks to all the snow so I better get to it asap.


Well on to my day!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

I believe I've earned bragging rights.

Yesterday, when we finally managed to get out after being snowed in all week, we went to our bank and were like "hey take all our money!"

No seriously. I wrote the biggest check I have ever written (Twice because I apparently forgot how to write a check..).
$2915.06. Auto Loan paid off! -sigh of relief-
Last night I hosted my first passion party and, even after it being only the 2nd I have ever even attended, I purchased my starter kit to begin selling these lovely *must have* products. $301.68.
TODAY after a lot of math, I mean a lot, and a great discussion about future payments, we put down another "chunk of change" towards the auto loan for my Eclipse. $3450.00

As extremely ecstatic as I am about all this, I can only think of one word to describe the next ten days: Broke

But hey, at least I have something to brag about! :)

What is love? Baby don't hurt me...

"Don't hurt me no more..."  Yeah I'm a loser.

Anyway-Day 4 My definition of love:

Love is...
Ugh I'm bad at this. I don't really think love has a definition.
It just is.

I think I'm just going to post a favorite pic and move on.
So much for great detail huh? :)

We so crazy..crazy in loooove Hahaha!

Friday, February 4, 2011

My Munchies!

Day 3- What I ate today.

Well I woke up starving at 8am and sadly didn't get anything to eat until 11:30!!
I was so happy though; we went to Country Kitchen with our friends and I had the 'Everybody's Favorite' with 2 over easy eggs, 4 strips of bacon, hash browns, 2 pancakes, and lord knows how many cups of coffee! Ahhh delish!

Then after cleaning my house a bit it was time to get ready for the Passion Party I hosted tonight so I made a pretty awesome rotel cheese dip, put out a couple cheese balls and crackers, had chocolate covered strawberries (Mmm) and a french silk pie. Hooray for junk food!

Hubs brought home a big dipper pizza thing from pizza hut but I have yet to indulge in it... I'm still not sure if I will or not. It's almost 10:30 so maybe I shouldn't..

Well... That's it! Hmm.. Should have done this one yesterday. I made a pretty bomb ass dinner! Oh well!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Thursday Theme Song

Thursday Theme Song-
Pick a song and add photos to go with the lyrics.

So I just turned on the Music Channel Hit List on TV and decided to use whatever song was playing for this post. So here is   "Maybe" -Sick Puppies

Maybe I'm a dreamer
Maybe I'm misunderstood
Maybe you're not seeing the side of me you should
Maybe I'm crazy
(Maybe I'm crazy)
Maybe I'm the only one
(Maybe I'm the only one)
Maybe I'm just out of touch
Maybe I've just had enough

Maybe it's time to change
And leave it all behind
I've never been one to walk alone
I've always been scared to try
So why does it feel so wrong
To reach for something more
To wanna live a better life
What am I waiting for?
'Cause nothing stays the same
Maybe it's time to change

Maybe it's hopeless
(Maybe it's hopeless)
Maybe I should just give up
(Maybe I should just give up)
What if I can't trust myself?
What if I just need some help?

Maybe it's time to change
And leave it all behind
I've never been one to walk alone
I've always been scared to try
So why does it feel so wrong
To reach for something more
To wanna live a better life
What am I waiting for?
'Cause nothing stays the same
Maybe it's time to change

And maybe it's time to change
And leave it all behind
I've never been one to walk alone
I've always been scared to try

And maybe it's time to change
And leave it all behind
I've never been one to walk alone
I've always been scared to try
So why does it feel so wrong
To reach for something more
To wanna live a better life
What am I waiting for?
'Cause nothing stays the same
Maybe it's time to change
'Cause nothing stays the same
Maybe it's time to change